The role of radiology in dentistry-Dr. Nguyen Duc Thang

As the other parts of medicine, the radiology plays an important role in dentistry. It helps the dentist, and the surgeon determine the disease exactly and then, decide the treatment plan. Nevertheless, the ultrasound provide just a few application for the soft tissue diagnosis as mum, inflammation of the salivary glands and the others .
Generally, it divides into two types of dental film :
1. The intra-oral films include the peri-apical film , the bite-wing, the occlusal ( upper and lower maxillary) one .
2. The extra-oral films have a lot of positions as face ( PA ) , profile ( lateral view ) , maxillary defile, Water ( or Blondeau ), Hirtz .
To examine the temporal-mandibular joint ( TMJ ), it uses several special technologies as Parma, Schuller. The Sialography uses to check up the stone presentation in the saivary glands and their ducts .
Along with the progression of the science and technology , a lot of new advanced technical radiology appeared as CT scan ( dental CT , 3D , CBCT ) , MRI , Scintillography ( technetium 99 …) allowed us probing more details in the muscles , glands and bones of the cephalo-maxillary system .

Fig 1 : with the periapical film , it usually investigates the periapical cyst ( at the apex of the two left upper incisives ) .

Fig 2 : Water's position is usually used in the conventional radiology for the facial trauma

Fig 3: and Hirtz's position is also used in the conventional radiology for the facial trauma .

Fig 4 : here is the 3D CT reconstruction that shows a wonderful image of an complex facial fracture.

Fig 5 : the dental panorama film let us observe the throughout maxillary and mandibular .

Fig 6: CBCT ( cone beam computerized tomography ) is commonly used for the treatment plan of the dental implant

Dentist: Nguyen Duc Thang-BVDK KV Thu Duc, HCM city.

  1. May 26, 2012 at 4:58 pm

    Thanks so much for your useful post Dr Thang. Hope you continue to upload more.

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